Explore the arts at home! New Victory Arts Break offers ideas for teachers and families to incorporate performing arts into their online learning. Each week will focus on a different art form with a series of free activities for kids guided by New Victory Teaching Artists. Show or no show, New Victory is committed to bringing the performing arts to the widest possible audience, and inspiring you to make art, and make memories, together!
It’s Week 7 of New Victory Arts Break! Wear your hearts on your sleeves and hold onto your silliest hats—this week is all about clowning.
It’s time to sharpen our pencils, tap our toes and raise our voices to the sound of music—it’s New Victory Arts Break – Songwriting Week!
Levitation may have eluded you during Magic Week, but this week you have a chance to fight off gravity in a wholly different art form—juggling!
This week we are focusing on magic. Take the Magician’s Oath, develop an entertaining persona and use everyday household items to amaze your family!
Practice a variety of puppet-making and puppeteering skills with materials you have at home, and put them together into a masterful show of manipulation.
It’s time to get up and move! This week’s activities are designed to help you explore dance and movement as a family in fun, approachable ways.
This week, we’re exploring different forms of percussion. Let’s kick things off with Teaching Artist Peter Musante and a lesson on body percussion!