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TagArts Break: Sunny Days

New Victory On Demand: Three Arts Break Activities

Act! Write! Move! Join New Victory Teaching Artists for three arts activities inspired by shows in the 2021-22 New Victory On Demand season.

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New Victory Arts Break: Connect to nicHi douglas

What do you see in the world? Last week, we developed creative characters through movement, and this week we’ll look at the places we live to help shape the stories we share. We may soon see that wherever we look, there’s joy to be found!

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New Victory Arts Break: Discover with nicHi douglas

Let’s continue visiting some of our favorite artists creating theater for young people—the artists of New Victory LabWorks! Over the next four weeks, we’ll be exploring the inspirations and artistic processes of playwright, choreographer and lover of cartoons, nicHi douglas!

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New Victory Arts Break – Just Move! Week

It’s time to get up and move! This week’s activities are designed to help you explore dance and movement as a family in fun, approachable ways.

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