Lorraine Hansberry Education Resources Schools » 2021-22 Lorraine Hansberry Initiative Partnership » Lorraine Hansberry Education Resources Get inspired by Lorraine Hansberry with free curricula and activities! As part of the 2021-22 partnership with the Lorraine Hansberry Initiative created by The Lillys, New Victory Education developed a set of education resources and curriculum providing context on Lorraine Hansberry’s creative and dramatic writing, journalism and activism, as well as tip sheets and activities to encourage creative writing. To access the resources, please read and agree to the following terms of use. Please be advised that the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of New Victory School Tool Resource Guides for any purpose other than educational, such as for commercial or monetary gain, may be considered copyright infringement and may be punishable by law. For more information, please contact the New Victory Education Department. First Name *Last Name *Email *Organization or School Terms of Use *I have read and agree to the Terms of Use above.EmailSubmit Inquire About Licensing Interested in licensing these materials for your organization’s education department or as part of your school district’s curriculum? Email New Victory Education for information. Email New Victory Education